# Build 171 - Added: Option for changing tilt on desktop system by using the trackpad or mouse wheel while the CTRL key is pressed. # Build 170 - Fixed: Android "Full version" product failed after purchase. # Build 169 - Updated: Android IAP page. # Build 168 - Removed: Subscription options on Android. Now only the life-time license option is available. # Buid 167 - Fixed: Crash when using "geo:" urls on Android. # Build 165, 166 - Fixed: Languages are eventually not loaded on first start. # Build 164 - Fixed: Android subscription policy adaptions. # Build 163 - Added: Option for deleting multiple files in the file manager. - Fixed: Opening of files from other app (e.g., DropBox) in Cartograph Maps (Android). # Build 162 - Fixed: BRouter routing problem (in Taiwan). # Build 161 - Added: Freehand drawing option to the track drawing tool (orange "+" symbol). - Added: Delete option to the track info popup. # Build 160 - Fixed: App hangs when opening track drawing tool from quick access drawer (Android). - Fixed: Crash when starting Cartograph via intents on (Android). # Build 159 - Fixed: Location permission dialog is shown on each start on Android. # Build 158 - Fixed: Cloud sync button did not update after purchase. # Build 157 - Fixed: Problem when opening external files on Android. # Build 156 - Added: Cartograph Cloud Sync service (https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/multi-device-synchronization/). - Fixed: Rendering problem with VTM Mapsforge maps and zoom levels greater than 17. - Fixed: Re-download option for maps, overlays, and styles fails if the target directory does not exist. # Build 155 - Added: Option for automatically re-enabling GPS tracking only, when it has been active before. # Build 154 - Improved: Added "disconnect" option to backup manager. - Fixed: Prevent automatic backup of files to the iCloud on iOS filling up the iCloud storage (e.g. large map files). - Fixed: Some captions are not visible with the light app theme. - Added: Option for automatically zooming to a specific zoom level after some time (accessible from the "Zoom to" dialog when press-and-holding the "+" zoom button when enabled in the Map manager settings). # Build 153 - Added: Option for disabling error message when GPS sensor is deactivated or not present. - Fixed: Wrong coordinates display bug when using "degrees" formats. # Build 151 / 152 - Added: Support for Mapsforge v3 POI files (v1 and v2 are also supported). # Build 150 - Added: Option for disabling GPX export of extended data (such as heart rate, cadence, ...). - Added: Support for importing Garmin FIT files. - Added: The last GPS sensor coordinate is now restored when the app is restarted. - Added: Track name to the track info popup bubble. - Added: Sidebar tool for quickly switching between a set of selected styles (e.g. useful for switching between day/night styles). - Fixed: Wrong activity icon size in track manager. - Fixed: All controls in the "Draw track" and "Navigation" toolbars are now properly scaled. - Fixed: Crash when adding bookmarks to unloaded bookmark overlay. - Fixed: Map calibration tool creates flipped map image with some calibration point locations. - Fixed: A bug which prevented custom background fetch intervals on Android (e.g. for friend tracking). - Improved: A workaround has been added for sending live tracking data with smaller intervals on iOS. - Improved: The map calibration dialog now scrolls to the coordinate entries when setting coordinates. - Updated: Latest Mapsforge, VTM, and BRouter libraries (04-09-2023). # Build 149 - Fixed: Map calibration tool not working on iOS. # Build 148 - Added: Toolbar option for copying Mapsforge POI category settings between overlays. - Added: Option for reloading active overlays. - Fixed: Mapsforge POI overlays are now reloaded when the category icons have been changed. - Added: Option for archiving tracks and bookmark overlays so that they do not appear in selection lists. # Build 145/146/147 - Fixed: Progress dialog not closed when "Export after recording" was checked without selecting an upload service. - Improved: Added support for "mf-theme" url scheme. - Fixed: Crash in user account manager. # Build 144 - Improved: Map calibration image rotation dialog. - Fixed: Cut off maps with the map calibration tool. # Build 143 - Added: Option for rotation images in the map calibration tool. - Fixed: Cut off maps with the map calibration tool. # Build 142 - Fixed: Tracks, maps, and overlays were not visible after changing "eye-button" behavior. - Added: Option for uploading tracks to Runalyze.com. - Added: Ascent and descent information to the track popup dialog. - Added: Option for deleting track segments from the track popup menu. - Added: New Carpe Iter keys "D" and "Return" (see https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/keyboard-shortcuts/). # Build 141 - Added: Bike bell sidebar tool. - Added: Option for resetting points to currently visible map area in the map calibration tool (without resetting the other settings). - Fixed: Increased screen lock tool timeout from 2 to 4 seconds. - Fixed: White borders around KML tracks. - Fixed: Crash when deleting point from a track with only one point in the track drawing tool. - Fixed: Add new maps always to the currently selected folder. - Changed: Show track properties dialog after adding new special maps. - Removed: Temporarily removed Garmin maps support. # Build 137 - Added: Support for WMTS online maps. - Fixed: Kml NetworkLink default parameters. - Fixed: Kml color parser. - Fixed: Import of zipped Garmin GMAP maps. - Fixed: Refreshing of WMS map capabilities failed when map was loaded. # Build 136 - Fixed: Track search icons not working. - Fixed: Show waypoint popup dialog for tracks found with track search. - Fixed: Invisible tracks where clickable. # Build 135 - Added: User account manager to the main menu for managing 3rd party accounts such as Strava (...). - Added: Option for automatically exporting tracks to GPX, and remote services (Strava,...) after recording. - Added: Option for uploading tracks to remote services (Strava, ...) from the track popup menu. - Added: Support for uploading tracks to Strava, Velo Heros, OpenStreetMap GPS traces. - Added: Support for searching in OpenStreetMap GPS traces (in the search manager). - Added: Support for custom web servers for custom track upload and track search solutions (see: "https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/custom-web-server-for-track-upload-and-track-search/"). - Added: OpenFietsMap.nl and OpenTopoMap.org Garmin offline maps to the map downloads. - Changed: The Strava segments search (in the search manager) now uses the Strava account saved in the user accounts. - Changed: Increased freehand drawing opacity. - Changed: Removed "Live tracking" menu entry from main menu because it can be already be accessed from the track recorder. - Fixed: High CPU usage when showing tracks without background and when hiding maps/tracks/overlays without unloading them. # Build 134 - Fixed: Crashes when trying to load maps and overlays whose underlying files have been deleted or renamed. - Fixed: Random crashes when loading images (e.g., as part of maps, POIs, etc.). # Build 133 - Added: Free hand sidebar drawing tool for adding annotations to maps. - Added: Option for simplifying track segments. - Added: Support for KML overlays (including polygons, and network links with remote KML). - Improved: KML loading speed. - Improved: The map-, overlay-, and style managers now remember the last folder. - Improved: Map magnifier tool speed. - Changed: Enabled the online map tile downloader for all online maps. # Build 132 - Added: Bookmark waypoints can now be grouped in folders. - Changed: The KML folder structure is now maintained when importing KML files as bookmarks. - Changed: The track waypoint and bookmark folder structure is now maintained when exporting as KML files. - Fixed: Images from KMZ files imported as tracks are now extracted in a unique sub-directory in the media directory to prevent naming clashes. - Fixed: Online images in KML files (starting with http[s]://) are now downloaded and shown. If the download fails then a default icon is displayed. - Fixed: Tile cache is not always cleared when reloading maps but only when map data changes. - Improved: The description in the track- and waypoints details dialog is now HTML formatted. - Improved: Active sidebar tool buttons are now visually marked. - Added: Zoom lock tool which keeps the map data locked at the current major zoom level. # Build 131 - Added: Sensor manager to the main menu and moved sensor settings from the main settings to the sensor manager settings. - Added: It is now possible to use DEM model elevation data instead of GPS (in the sensor manager settings). - Added: Support for Bluetooth heart rate monitors. - Added: Support for Bluetooth cadence and speed bicycle sensors. - Added: Magnifier glass tool. - Fixed: Crash when loading OS Map Mapsforge styles. # Build 130 - Added: Basic support for Gamin IMG and Garmin GMAP maps. - Added: Option for exporting multiple tracks in one step into a single GPX/KML file. - Added: Option for extracting *.zip files in the file manager. - Moved: Cartograph 2/3 database import tool to the Cloud manager. - Fixed: Polish translation. - Fixed: Show map scalebar in screenshots. # Build 129 - Fixed: Show track popup menu also for tracks from the search manager (i.e. Strava segments). # Build 128 - Added: Options for switching between dynamic and fixed altitude calculation in 3D map view. - Added: Option for disabling automatic saving of imported tracks (via share, drag&drop, etc.) into the track database (in the track manager settings). - Added: Option for immediately showing imported track (in the track manager settings). - Added: Tool for importing tracks and bookmarks from Cartograph 3 databases (e.g., from backups). - Added: Support for searching for tracks (segments) from Strava.com (in the search manager). - Improved: Accuracy of 3D map view altitude data. # Build 127 - Removed: Sidebar tool for showing 3D map view snapshot on macOS due to driver problems. # Build 126 - Added: Sidebar tool for saving map screenshot to a file. - Added: Sidebar tool for showing 3D map view snapshot. # Build 125 - Improved: Pasting of coordinates from clipboard. # Build 124 - Fixed: More MGRS grid rounding errors. - Added: Option for adjusting dialog opacity (map/track/overlay/style managers). The setting can be changed in the app settings -> User styling. # Build 123 - Improved: the VTM engine so that results looks closer to the Mapsforge engine. - Updated: VTM, Mapsforge, and BRouter to latest versions. - Fixed: MGRS coordinates offset by "1" due to rounding error. # Build 122 - Fixed: Missing coordinates in MGRS grid overlay. - Improved: Added option for enabling GPS sensor on Android. - Added: Option for pasting MGRS coordinates from the clipboard into the "Go to coordinate" dialog. # Build 121 - Fixed: MGRS coordinate system problems (south hemisphere, go to coordinate dialog). - Fixed: Drawing error when resizing dialogs. - Fixed: Random crashes when calculating routes using BRouter. # Build 120 - Fixed: Coordinate format inconsistencies. - Improved: Pasting coordinates with different formats into the "Go to coordinate" dialog. - Added: Option for pasting Open Location Codes (Plus codes) into the "Go to coordinate" dialog (https://maps.google.com/pluscodes/). - Improved: During route planing the start point is marked with a different color and points are re-numbered when their order changes. - Fixed: Vector MBTiles memory leak causing out-of-memory crashes. - Fixed: Random crashes (especially when using many map layers). - Improved: Option for automatically turning on GPS if GPS is turned off (Android). # Build 119 - Updated: VTM, Mapsforge, and BRouter to latest versions. - Improved: Drawing of Mapsforge features using the VTM engine. # Build 118 - Fixed: App not starting on macOS 10.14 and under some conditions on the M1. # Build 117 - Fixed: App not starting on macOS 11 and lower. # Build 116 - Fixed: Support for larger source images in the map calibration tool: The limit has been raised to 2GB which allows images larger than 10000x10000 pixels. - Fixed: macOS Ventura crash. # Build 114 - Fixed: Reading of rmap files. - Fixed: Crash on iOS 13 and 14. # Build 112 - Fixed: Purchase restore function on iOS. # Build 110 - Fixed: Loading of newly imported tracks failed under certain conditions. - Added: Option for assigning random colors to track segments. - Added: Goto segment start option. - Added: Track segment preview icon in the track segments list. # Build 109 - Added: Option for locking dynamic trip computer and altitude profile position. - Added: Option for keeping tracks loaded when pressing the "eye" icon. - Added: Option for keeping overlays loaded when pressing the "eye" icon. # Build 108 - Added: support for zoom levels up to 24. # Build 104, 105, 106, 107 - Bug fixes. # Build 103 - Fixed WMS bug which caused invalid urls. - React to "Enter" key in the goto coordinate tool. # Build 102 - Changed: "+" icon color from cyan to blue for route calculation mode. - Internal updates. # Build 101 - Qt 6 tests. # Build 99 - Improved: Map popup menu "Load track" function. # Build 98 - Fixed invalid iOS certificate. # Build 97 - Fixed: Popup menu for deleting side bar button. - Fixed: Crash in route planner. # Build 96 (3.2.6) - Fixed: Wrong compass on some models (e.g. iPhone SE 3rd generation). # Build 95 - Added: The current line length (distance) and bearing are now showing in track drawing mode. - Build 94 - Added: French translation. - Fixed: Italian translation. # Build 93 - Bug fixes. # Build 92 - Added: Option for enabling Mapsforge (raster) hillshading. - Added: Option for resizing selected track waypoint custom icons (e.g. Garmin icons). - Fixed: Now icons can be bigger than 100x100 pixels. - Fixed: The default icon size defined in the Track manager settings is now used for Garmin icons when importing GPX files. # Build 91 - Added: Italian translation. # Build 90 - Fixed: Move tracks to subfolder bug. - Fixed: Sort track folders ascending when moving tracks. # Build 89 - Fixed: Relief map bugs. - Fixed: Keep current location marker hidden if all controls are hidden. - Fixed: Show list of active maps when starting the map manager. # Build 86 - Added: Czech translation. - Complete re-write of the app internals. Please drop me a line if you find something which suddenly stopped working. # Build 85 - Updated: BRouter profiles (only for new installations). - Changed: BRouter now automatically stops the route caclulation after 30 seconds. # Build 84 - Internal rework. - Fixed: Ordering when merging tracks. - Fixed: Loading of old LocusMap render themes using DP values and special directory structure. # Build 83 - Fixed: Crash when deleting temporary files on iOS. - Improved: The file manager can now also access and show temporary files. # Build 82 - Fixed: Added opacity to the altitude profile label so that the underlying plot stays visibile. - Fixed: BRouter problems when using track drawing mode. - Added: Option for merging segments when exporting a track. - Added: Tool for importing bookmarks and tracks from Cartograph 2 app database file ("main.sqlite"). # Build 81 - Added: Option for picking ".onlinemap" definition files from the online maps view "+" button (in the Map manager). - Added: Option for exporting track folders (containing multiple tracks) to a single GPX/KML file. - Improved track resampling accuracy. # Build 80 - Fixed: KMZ icon bug. - Fixed: Zoom buttons are covered by some toolbars (e.g. the track drawing toolbar). # Build 79 - Improved: Importing of KMZ files with icons. - Fixed: Prevent automatic GPS-tracking when manually moving to a coordinate. Also, the re-activation timer now restarts when the map is moved. # Build 78 (3.1.8) - Added: Option for adding a bookmark from the track info popup. - Added: Option for moving the track's level to the top/bottom/one level up/one level down from the track info popup. # Build 77 (3.1.7) - Improved Polish translation. - Bug fixes. # Build 76 - Added: Option for removing all track points after the selected point in the track drawing mode by clicking on the dragging marker. - Added: It is now possible to automatically calculate a path between two points using a routing service (such as BRouter, OSRM, etc.) in the track drawing mode. - Added: Polish translation. - Added: It is now possible to select a custom storage location for all files (only on non-sandboxed systems). - Added: It is now possible to quickly add routing points by clicking on the map while holding the keyboard CTRL/COMMAND key. # Build 75 (3.1.6) - Fixed: Potential crash in map tile downloader. - Changed: Ignore failed tile downloads and report the number of failed tiles at the end. - Updated: Chinese translation. - Added: Show distance and altitude of map center line in the altitude profile. - Added: Option for increasing and reducing raster map contrast (as effect in each map's options). - Added: Option for keeping Map/Track/Overlay manager open when clicked outside (in the each manager's settings). - Fixed: The background live tracking service now supports other intervals than 60 seconds (Android). Note: lower values mean more network traffic and thus higher battery drain. - Fixed: Selection of default language for Mapsforge maps, styles, and POIs. - Improved: Waypoint list information fields overlapping on certain screen resolutions. - Fixed: Track selection bug in the Track manager when selecting tracks in folders. # Build 74 (3.1.5) - Added option for using custom line styles for the measurement tools (in the Map manager advanced settings). - Added option for automatically restarting location tracking after a given time of seconds (in the Map manager settings). - Bug fixes. # Build 73 (internal) - Keyboard input fixes. # Build 72 - Improved: Altitude profile handle and window dragging behavior. - Added: Always-visible trip computer window (draggable and resizable). # Build 71 - Fixed: The altitude profile now respects the default track color set in the track manager. - Fixed: Loading of *.sqlitedb maps with invalid info table. - Changed: It is now possible to select between "Default", "Carpe Iter", and "WunderLINQ" as keyboard input (in the Map manager advanced settings). - Fixed: WunderLINQ app integration. # Build 70 - Added: Option for selecting track color as color for the altitude profile. - Changed: Press-and-holding the compass icon now shows a popup menu with map rotation options. - Fixed: Crashes with online map tile downloader. The maximum number of tiles is limited to 1.000.000 tiles. - Fixed: Map calibration tool crash. # Build 69 - Added: Option for showing the distance between the current GPS location and the map center cross in the coordinate info field. - Added: The current GPS location marker is always rotated with the GPS heading now. This means that you can visualize both, the device viewing direction and the GPS heading at the same time. - Fixed: Keep last GPS location when app comes back from background. - Fixed: Make online tile downloader progress dialog cancelable. - Added: Option for loading newly created map from the online map creation tool. - Added: Map calibration tool for creating maps from map photos and scans (https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/image-to-map-calibration-tool/). - Added: Options for customizing altitude profile line colors (in the Track manager settings). - Added: Track point history and viewing direction options to custom friend tracking service (details see https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/adding-custom-friend-tracking-services/). - Added: Support for WunderLINQ (https://blackboxembedded.com/). - Fixed: Keyboard input on iOS. - Added: Option for changing drag and move markers (e.g. for the distance markers). The setting is located in the Map manager settings. # Build 68 - Fixed pinkish drawing of Strava heat maps. - Added help buttons in various places in the app. Different help topics are available here: "https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/help/". Note: this is work in progress. - Fixed coordinate tool copy/paste functionality. # Build 67 - Added latest VTM library fixes. - Added: It is now possible to use custom friend tracking services (see https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/adding-custom-friend-tracking-services/). - Added: Option for visual waypoint alerts (in Overlay manager settings) which show a big red banner on the screen. - Added: Option for downloading BRouter files for map regions. # Build 66 - Integrated latest BRouter, Mapsforge, and VTM project changes. - Improved Mapsforge multi-maps at overlapping areas ("Mapsforge multi-maps", deduplication). - Added: Option for pasting latitude/longitude string from the clipboard into "go to coordiante" tool. - Added: The distance to each track's center is now shown when opening the track selection dialog from the main map popup menu. - Added: Option for sorting track by distance to map center and by track color. - Added: Support for Carpe-Iter-Control (https://carpe-iter.com/carpe-iter-control/) key (in the Map manager -> "Enable Carpe-Iter-Control keys"). - Fixed: The track time now corresponds to the first track point's time. - Added: Option for quickly adding waypoints to a track's start and end position. - Improved GPX export. - Fixed: Wrong start time in time-based plots. - Fixed: x-axis ticks on plots. - Fixed: Do not show circles around hidden waypoints with the multi-circle measurement tool. - Added: Option for importing track segments (in GPX/KML files) as individual tracks (in the Track manager settings). - Added: The distance and circular measurement tools can now be attached to the current GPS position (by clicking on the tool's marker and selecting "Attach to GPS"). This allows dynamic updates of the measurements while moving. - Added: Option for hiding current location marker when GPS is turned off (in the Map manager settings). - Added: Option for selecting different current location icon when GPS is disabled. - Added: Option for keeping GPS on all the time when the app is in foreground (in the Sensor settings). - Added: Option for skipping waypoints when importing track files. - Added: Option for exporting track waypoints as bookmarks. - Added: Sidebar button for quickly hiding all map elements (tracks, waypoints). - Added: Option for downloading elevation data for complete region covered by a map. - Added: The current GPS location is now shown in the altitude profile (blue means GPS is on, gray means old GPS position). - Added: Tool for downloading map tiles from online maps. Warning: This works only with manually imported maps who have the flag "enable_tile_download" (see https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/add-ons/online-maps/#onlinemap) due to legal reasons. - Fixed offline watersources overlay icon bug. # Build 65 - Bug fixes. # Build 64 - Bug fixes. # Build 63 - Improved color handling when importing GPX and KML files. - Color information is now exported in GPX and KML files. - Fixed screen lock tool again. # Build 62 - Changed: The track color mode is now automatically set to "Segment" if the GPX file contains color information. - Added option for loading all selected tracks. - Pre-select text in text input dialogs (for instance in the "Add folder" dialogs). - Fixed screen lock tool. - Added bearing info to distance measurement tools. - Added horizontal/vertical accuracy GPS info field to trip computer. - Added option to continue recording of an existing track. - Added option for scaling to specific map resolutions (by press and holding the scalebar). # Build 61 - Fixed imperial units. # Build 60 - Added screen lock tool (as sidebar button). - Added zoom/rotation/tilt/pan lock tool (as sidebar button). - Added support for some Garmin GPX extensions (https://www8.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtensionv2.xsd). - Added support for tile server placeholders with the format "{$}" (more details: https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/add-ons/online-maps/). - Added support for TMS tile server placeholder "{invY}" (see: https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/add-ons/online-maps/). - Changed: The screen is now kept on by default for new installations. - Changed: Show "Load last position" only if map has a valid last position. - Fixed wrong time zone displayed for track start time. - Changed: Set default user agent when adding maps. - Fixed: Save new online maps in correct folder. - Changed: Close all dialogs when selecting "Center map here". - Changed: The track symbol now shows a preview of the underlying track (requires reloading or changing of the track properties). # Build 59 - Added option for custom tile sizes (in the advancde map settings). Changing this setting requires to restart (kill) the app! - Fixed altitude profile. - Added location share to and receive from app functionality (url scheme "geo"). # Build 56 - Show unfiltered altitude data in altitude profile and track graph. - Fixed zero speed values when importing tracks (e.g. GPX). - Improved track speed coloring. - Added option for custom number of measurement circles. - Added option for adding measurement circles to specific waypoints and overlays only. - Added: Close circular measurement tool option by clicking on the center marker. # Build 55 - Added "Copy coordinate" to waypoint popup menu. - Added option for immediately drawing lines to waypoints without showing the waypoint's popup menu ("Waypoint" option in the track drawing menu). - Added option for setting track color source (altitude, segment, etc.) in defaults and in batch mode. - Added "Altitude profile" entry to track popup menu. - Changed the colors of track gradients to green/blue (downhill) and yellow/red (uphill). - Added tool for adding measurement circles around all visible waypoints (overlays and tracks). The tool can be added as a side-bar button. # Build 53 - Added option in Map manager settings which forces to use map center for map popup functions. - Added: Press and holding the coordinate info field opens the "Go to coordinate" dialog. - Added app version info to bottom of the main dialog. - Added map info dialog which shows the file size, file name, file modified date, download url, and other map specific information. - Added option for manually re-calculating bookmark overlay bounding boxes. - Added "Zoom to" option for overlays (eventually requires re-calculation of the overlay's bounding box). - Fixed: *.gif files are now correctly shown in vector maps. - Improved waypoint labeling. # Build 52 - Fixed: Import tracks always to current folder. - Show folders in track manager always on top of list. - Improved waypoint labeling. - Added option for setting label text transparency independent of background transparency. - Fixed: Prevent existing track points to be selected during track drawing. - Fixed: Keep full version without internet access. - Changed: Use media file name as waypoint name. # Build 51 - Show only selected search result in the map when clicking on it. - Added default track settings options for distance markers, etc. (in the Track manager settings). - Fixed reading of files outside of the app sandbox. - It is now possible to use global waypoint labels and custom icons at the same time. - Fixed sqlite-map crashes when sandbox access is denied. # Build 47 - Stop GPS tracking when moving the map. - Fixed crash when loading maps. - Fixed: allow to view the full resolution photo of photo bookmarks (requires re-import of the photos!). - Fixed settings export. - Limit custom user interface scaling factors to more strict values. - Added option for modifying the settings (e.g. distance markers, etc.) of multiple tracks. # Build 46 - Moved some map settings from "Maps" to "Maps (advanced)" settings pane. - Added advanced map settings for disabling parameter calculation from data and for sub-tile merging count. These settings are useful if very large (>10GB) SQLite-based maps are loading too slow. - Added "Switch map" popup menu entry for showing all available maps for the current location. - Added "Load track" popup menu entry for showing all tracks available at the current location. - Fixed missing bounding box and default map position when cloning maps. - Improved waypoint labeling. - Added option in the Map manager menu for downloading all missing map files. - Fixed low quality output of some raster map formats. - Added option for disabling zoom animation (in the Map manager settings) when using the zoom buttons. This is useful for keeping exact zoom levels during zooming. - Added option for scaling the whole user interface (in the global settings - "App styling"). - Fixed: Remember last map zoom level. # Build 45 - Fixed and improved reading of Locus and MBTiles sqlite maps. - Changed: Allow to change map zoom limits of visible maps. Depending on the map type it is eventually necessary to reload the map (from the quick menu) after changing zoom limits. - Added a workaround for Mapsforge multi-map rendering problems. - Fixed: Do not jump to last point when removing track point during track drawing. - Added function for directly entering a map download url (e.g. a permanent DropBox links, links to your own webserver, etc.). - Automatically check for app updates (desktop version). # Build 44 - Fixed crash when exiting app with loaded Cartograph overlay layers. - Added option for creating Mapsforge multi-maps from map folders. - The map zoom min/max levels are now respected when enabled. - The track manager is now closed and map location tracking stopped when zooming to a track. - Map location tracking is now stopped when moving the map to a point of interest (waypoint, search result, track position, etc.). # Build 43 - Improved loading of map folders. - Fixed SSL error with some Let's encrypt servers. - Fixed HQ map download error which occurred under certain conditions. - Improved loading of multiple maps. - Fixed custom Mapsforge raster map scaling. - Fixed FBO drawing bug. - Improved Hungarian and Chinese translations. - Fixed/improved vector text rendering. # Build 41 - Added Hungarian translation. - It is now possible to import multiple map files at once. - Added option for (de-)selecting all maps in the Mapsforge multi-map settings. - Added option for (un-)loading whole map folders. - Added option for (un-)loading whole overlay folders. - Fixed sorting of overlays in the Overlay manager. # Build 40 - The map is zoomed to the track start when a track is loaded from the popup menu. - Finished Traditional Chinese translation. # Build 39 - Fixed SHIFT key bug introduced with build 38. - Improved track drawing toolbar and added option for directly deleting the track. - Added option for changing track directly from popup menu shown on the map when clicking on the track. - Changed: Show track start when starting track drawing. - Added option for skipping track drawing changes. - Updated Traditional Chinese translation. - The newest translation source files are available here (for custom translations): "https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/add-ons/translations/". # Build 38 - Highlight the "Copy" button in the coordinate copy dialog. - Fixed map keyboard events after closing some dialogs (such as the altitude profile). - Changed scrolling direction of keyboard arrow keys. - It is now possible to reduce the zoom level step size using the SHIFT key (do NOT press and hold the shift key!). - Changed decimal places for {x} and {y} variables from 2 to 8. - Added option for (de-)activating maps instead of unloading them (in the Map manager settings). - Added option for assigning custom icons to maps. - Added custom main map pop entries to waypoint popup menus. - Added "Line to" popup entry to waypoints in track drawing mode. - MacOS: Added splash screen (because the first app start can take a while). - Fixed: import and export paths were not always correctly remembered. - Added tool (in the main menu) for creating map packages (https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/add-ons/map-packages/) directly in the app. # Build 37 - Fixed Mapsforge multi maps which contain raster sub-maps. - Fixed potential crash while starting the app. # Build 36 - Fixed bug where maps in sub-folders were not properly loaded and/or not shown in multi-maps. - Fixed (macOS): last import path is now correctly remembered. # Build 35 - Added: Custom url entries can now be added to the main map popup menu (in der Map manager settings). - Improved projection grids (especially UTM and MGRS). - Fixed MGRS rounding error. - Rework of the map drawing engine. # Build 34 - Added: It is now possible to toggle between manual rotation and no rotation by press-and-holding the compass button. - Added option in the Map manager settings for showing a zoom slider when press-and-holding the "+" zoom button. - Added offline grid layer special map (under special maps) for displaying coordinate projection grids (WGS 84, UTM, MGRS, ...). # Build 33 - Zipped Oruxmaps are now correctly imported. - Files can now be imported with the file manager built into the app (this is useful for unzipped Oruxmaps which have multiple files). - Fixed crash when loading invalid SQLite-based maps. # Build 32 - The vertical line in the altitude profile is now draggable. - The altitude profile can now be moved and resized (non-persistent). - Updated BRouter library to new release 1.6.3. - Fixed keyboard not available when closing main menu, or opening other panels (such as the navigation pane). - Fixed bug when adding custom online maps. - Fixed crash when trying to load invalid online maps. - Fixed reported crashes. - Fixed BRouter crash when no data is available. # Build 30 - Added text editor for editing BRouter profile files. # Build 28 - Fixed crashes when switching maps. - Fixed crash when applying effects (e.g. black and white) to Mapsforge raster maps. # Build 27 - Added Traditional Chinese translation. - Added CMD+L keyboard shortcut for accessing default Mapsforge style's layers. All shortcuts are listed here: "https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/keyboard-shortcuts/". - Added sidebar button for accessing default Mapsforge style's layers. - Added option for automatically exporting a track after recording. - Added option for showing map coordinate in OpenStreetMap.org. - Added option for copying map coordinate to the clipboard. - Changed: The center cross is now visible by default. - The map transparency can now be quickly changed in the map manager. - Changed: Maps are now immediately (un-)loaded when the "eye" icon is pressed. The popup dialog is only shown when the map entry is clicked elsewhere. - Fixed crash on iPads when exporting tracks. # Build 26 - Dialogs are now resizable (bottom left corner). - Added CMD+G keyboard shortcut (Goto coordinate). All shortcuts are listed here: "https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/keyboard-shortcuts/". - Fixed: Keyboard shortcuts keep working after closing dialogs. - "Goto coordinate" tool settings are now saved. - Added automatic UTM and MGRS (military grid system) coordinate systems. - The search field is now immediately focused and the text is selected in the search manager. - Mapsforge multi-maps can now be combined from both, raster and vector map objects. - Added Mapsforge raster multi-maps. # Build 25 ##### - INFO: The macOS test version of the app is now also available in TestFlight (requires macOS 12). ##### - Show error message in search manager when no overlays are available. - Added info dialog which shows summary of selected tracks in the track manager. - Fixed scrolling in the track manager. - Sync bug fixes. - "Limit to visible area" checkbox is now always visible in the search manager. - Keep iOS keyboard hidden in search manager after "Done" button has been pressed. - Added option for resizing track property window. - Fixed loading of symbols in Mapsforge raster themes. - Dialogs can now be dragged around (e.g. for uncovering map areas). # Build 24 - Added option for visualizing track gradient and speed. - Added option for moving multiple tracks to a new folder. - Added option for zooming to track. - Added option for loading and unloading all tracks in a folder. - Added option for changing the track color of all tracks in a folder. - Added option for assigning random colors to all tracks in a folder. - Added: The track color is shown in the track manager. # Build 23 - Option to force loading of Mapsforge maps as raster maps. - Rendering bug fixes. # Build 22 - Removed visual jitter during tracking. - Bug fixes. - Added direct style and map downloads from "freizeitkarte-osm.de". # Build 21 - Fixed distance markers. - Fixed imperial units. - Updated Mapsforge and VTM library changes up to 22-11-2021. # Build 20 - A distance marker is now always shown at the last track point. - Fixed distance markers and direction arrows during track drawing. - Added tool for measuring distance between two points. # Build 19 - Fixed track not removed from map after track recording. - Fixed map import crash when loading Oruxmap from Rudy's website (VTM themes crashed Mapsforge raster maps). - Fixed crash when reloading map with disabled 3D buildings option. - Fixed custom translations not working. - Fixed Chinese translation file problem. # Build 16 - Automatic hillshading is now included and enabled with Mapsforge raster maps. - Map packages (*.cpkg) can force Mapsforge raster maps by using the type_hint="mapsforge_raster". - Maps coming from "orux-map", "backcountrynav-action-map", and "locus-actions" are threated as raster maps by default. - Added support for url schemes "mf-v4-map" and "bikecomputer-map". - A default position and zoom level are now set after the first installation of the app. - Position tracking is enabled by default now. - Increased zooming speed. # Build 14 - The translation files are now available on "https://www.cartograph.eu/v3/add-ons/translations/". - Fixed pinch&zoom not reacting. - Fixed map popup menu crash. - Fixed trip computer not updating correctly (when coming from background and after pausing). - Fixed "Goto coordinate" dialog. - Added option for disabling labels with Mapsforge raster maps (this allows combination of vector labels with Mapsforge raster background). - Added option for removing the map background and map symbols (vector maps). This allows to draw text and symbols in combination with Mapsforge raster maps. - Fixed "no dot" key.