
The Cartograph app can be extended with custom languages and translations:

Download translations

The following table lists translations provided by Cartograph users and creators:

LanguageSource filesCompiled files
English (included in the app)DownloadInstall
German (included in the app)DownloadInstall
Italian (included in the app)DownloadInstall
Hungarian (included in the app)DownloadInstall
Polish (included in the app)DownloadInstall
Traditional Chinese (included in the app) DownloadInstall
Cartograph translation download files.

Custom translations

The following steps describe how you can create your own translation files for the Cartograph app. If you want you can also mail us your translations so that we can put them into the table above!

Step 1: Install Qt Linguist

Translation files can be easily edited with the Qt Linguist application:

Step 2: Download a base translation file

Download one of the translation source files from the table above. It is recommended that you directly download the English version because this version is always up-to-date. Extract the “*.ts” file contained in the downloaded zip file to some location on your computer.

Step 3: Rename the downloaded *.ts file

Now rename the extracted *.ts file matching your language. For “German” the recommended format is for instance “”, for French “”, and so on. As an alternative you can also give the translation file custom names, for instance “”.

Step 4: Open the translation file in Qt Linguist

Start the Qt Linguist application and open the extracted and renamed *.ts file. Then go to “Edit” – “Translation file settings” and select your translation’s country and language settings:

Language settings in Qt Linguist.

Step 5: Translate the file

Now you can translate the file. Do not forget to save the translation from time-to-time by pressing the “CTRL+S” keys.

Step 6: Create a *.qm file

Select “File” – “Release” in Qt Linguist. This will create a *.qm file, for instance “”. If you want to share the translation with other users then you can email us your *.qm and *.ts files.

Step 7: Install the *.qm file in the Cartograph app

Copy the *.qm file to the “Translation” directory in the Cartograph app:

  • iOS: Use the iOS Files app for copying the file.
  • Android: Use the File manager included in the Cartograph app for picking the file.
  • macOS: Use the File manager included in the Cartograph app for picking the file.
  • Windows: The Cartograph translations directory is located in the Windows “Documents” folder.

Step 8: Select your new language

Go to the Cartograph “Settings” – “Language” and select your new language. It is recommended to restart the app for loading all translations:

  • macOS/Windows: Close and open the Cartograph app again.
  • Android/iOS: First bring the Cartograph app to the background. Then use the Android/iOS task manager for killing the app.