
The Cartograph app is available on the following platforms:

SystemFree DownloadBuy Pro version
Apple iOS
Apple macOS 11 or newer*

Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit) or newer*

If you already have purchased the mobile iOS/Android yearly or life-time version of the app then just email us the receipt from the App Store or Google Play to get the desktop app for a ~40% discount (5.99€).

Change log

3.7.1 / 197 (06-11-2024)
- Fixed: Set distance to map center when cloning a track.
- Fixed: Set correct track date for resampled tracks.
- Added: Option for entering a custom tolerance radius when using "Segment simplification".
- Added: Option for simplifying the number of track points by a percentage value when using "Track resampling".

3.7.0 / 196 (31-10-2024)
- Fixed: Routes calculated by BRouter eventually differ from BRouter website's routes.

3.6.9 / 194 (29-10-2024)
- Fixed: BRouter crash when using more than one routing destination.
- Fixed: Do not write extended data into GPX files when extended data option is not selected.

The official change log is available here.

The full change log (including work-in-progress) is available here.