Map manager settings

The Map manager settings offer three views:
- Maps: This view covers general map settings.
- Map popup: This view provides means for customizing the main map popup menu entries.
- Maps (advanced): This view provides advanced map settings.
The following sections describe each view.
The maps settings view offers the following options:
- Keep manager open when clicked outside: If enabled, then the Map manager view will not close when you click outside of the view.
- Simple (one layer) map mode: Cartograph can stack multiple maps on each other. When the “simple” mode is enabled then only layer is available and new maps will always replace the existing layer.
- Show zoom buttons: If enabled then zoom buttons are shown in the map view.
- Show zoom slider when holding ‘+’ button: If enable then press-and-holding the “+” zoom button will open a popup menu where you can select an exact zoom level.
- Animate zoom: If enabled then zooming with the zoom buttons will be animated. If you need exact zoom levels then this option should be disabled. An exact zoom level is for instance “15”, while an approximate zoom level is “15.1”.
- Show map scalebar: If enabled then a scale bar is shown in the map view.
- Use CTRL key for tilting (Windows only): This is a work around on Windows which allows you to switch between “tilting” and “zooming” when using the mouse wheel or track pad pinch&zoom gesture.
- Show map popup: If enabled then a map popup menu is shown when press-and-holding the map view.
- Use map center for popup menu: By default all functions available from the main popup menu use the click’s coordinate. If this option is enabled then the map center coordinate is used instead.
- Deactivate map with eye icon: By default maps are unloaded when the eye icon is pressed in the Map manager. If this option is enabled then the map is just hidden in the map view. This function is useful if you want to quickly toggle maps on/off.
- Automatically enable track GPS location after: When this value is greater than 0 then GPS tracking is automatically re-enabled after the given amount of seconds.
- Re-enable tracking only if it was active: If checked then GPS tracking is only automatically re-activated when it was active previously.
- Show current coordinate field: If enabled then a coordinate info field containing the coordinate, zoom level, current speed, and altitude is shown in the map view.
- Coordinate info box position: The position of the coordinate field information box.
- Current location icon: The icon used for the current GPS location marker.
- Current location icon (GPS disabled): The icon used for the last known GPS location marker if GPS is turned off.
- Visible: If enabled then the current location icon is shown in the map.
- Show GPS accuracy radius: If enabled then the GPS accuracy is visualized around the current GPS position.
- Hide current location marker when GPS off: If enabled then the current location marker is not shown when GPS is turned off.
- Viewing direction icon: An icon which visualizes the device’s viewing direction.
- Use GPS heading for direction marker: If enabled and GPS is turned on, then the viewing direction marker will use the GPS heading signal instead of the device’s rotation sensor reading for visualizing the viewing direction.
- Fade out controls after: This option allows you to automatically fade out all app controls after the given time so that the complete map view is visible. If this value is “0” then controls are not faded out.
- Visual map center position: This option allows you to specify the map center (cross) position between top, center, or bottom of the map view.
- Map center cross icon: This option allows you to customize the icon used as map center cross.
- Compass: This option allows you to customize the compass icon shown in the map view.
Map popup
The map popup view allows you to add custom entries to the main map popup menu. The “+” button provides the following options:
- Website: Adds a new website link to the popup menu. The link can contain these place-holders:
- {x}: The click coordinate’s longitude.
- {y}: The click coordinate’s latitude.
- {z}: The current zoom level.
- App: Creates a link to another app using Android’s linking scheme (see: This option is only available on Android. The same placeholders as under “Website” are available.
The following shows an example website link:{z}/{y}/{x}
and an example app link:
Maps (advanced)
This view offers advanced map related settings:
- Force Mapsforge raster maps: By default Mapsforge maps are imported using the modern VTM vector format. If this option is enabled then Mapsforge maps are always imported with the old raster format.
- Use FBO: This option indicates whether a frame-buffer-object should be used for map rendering. Disabling this option will increase CPU usage. This option should not be changed unless you know what you are doing.
- Keyboard mode: The keyboard mode allows you to control the Cartograph app with special external hardware:
- Default: Use the standard keyboard layout (see Keyboard shortcuts).
- Carpe-Iter control: Use the Carpe Iter control keys for panning and zooming.
- WunderLINQ: Use the WunderLINQ keys for panning and zooming.
- Drag marker icon: The icon shown for dragging (e.g. in the measurement tools).
- Move marker icon: The icon shown for moving (e.g. in the circle measurement tool).
- Measurement tools: The following options are available since Cartogaph 3.1.5:
- Color 1: The line color used for the measurement tool.
- Color 2: The color used for the dash effect of the line (only used if supported by the given tool).
- Line width: The line width.
- Opacity: The opacity of the line.
- Calculate parameters from data: If enabled then parameters such as map extend (bounding box), map center coordinate, and available zoom levels are calculated from the map data (for some SQLite based map formats). This option can be handy if the underlying map’s metadata is corrupt. Note: enabling this option can lead to significant long map import- and loading times.
- Max. sub-tiles count*: When a raster map (e.g. some SQLite-based map) does not contain image data for the current zoom level then a tile is manually calculated from tiles in other zoom levels. This value specifies the maximum number of tiles used for this calculation. The higher the value, the longer loading of tiles will take.
- User scale factor:* This factor is used for scaling all map elements (symbols, waypoints, track width, etc.). A value of “1” means that no scaling is performed. A value less than “1” means the elements are scaled down. A value greater than “1” means that elements are scaled up.
- Text scale factor*: This factor is used for scaling textual map labels (e.g. street names). This value affects only vector maps.
- Symbol scale factor*: This factor is used for scaling map symbols (e.g. traffic lights, amenities, etc.). This value affects only vector maps.
- Tile size*: This value defines the tile size used by the map renderer. A smaller value means that the map looks more zoomed in, while a bigger value means that the map looks more zoomed out. By default this value is automatically calculated depending on your screen resolution. Changing this value is useful for optimizing raster map rendering.
*Note: Changing these settings requires a restart of the Cartograph app. On iOS you have to kill the app using the iOS task manager.