Quickly accessing track properties and tools
A bubble popup dialog is shown when press-and-holding a track or track point. The popup shows different track properties (distance, time, …) and provides a menu with the following functions:
- Save as track: Save the track to the track manager (for tracks coming from a track search provider, or a KML overlay).
- Properties: Edit track properties (see Track properties).
- Navigate to: Navigate to the selected point.
- Altitude profile: Create an altitude profile for the track.
- Zoom to: Zooms to the selected point.
- Draw track: Starts the track drawing mode with the selected track.
- Measure distance: Measures the distance between two points on the track (including altitude profile).
- Create segment: Cuts the track at the given position and creates a new track segment.
- Unload: Removes the track from the map view.
- Delete: Deletes the track from the map and the track manager.
- Set as start: Defines the selected position as the start position for distance markers.
- Add bookmark: Adds a bookmark to the selected track point.
- Move: Shows a dialog for changing the order of the selected dialog.
- Move to top: Moves the track to the top.
- Move to bottom: Moves the track to the bottom (so that all other tracks cover it)
- Move one level up: Moves the track one level up.
- Move one level down: Moves the track one level down.
The following video shows how to open and use the different functions: