General settings

The general settings consist of the following views:


In the language view you can select the user interface language. It is also possible to import custom languages as described here: Translations.


The general view provides the following options:

  • Keep screen on: If enabled then the app tries to prevent automatic turning off of the device’s screen
  • Check for updates: If enabled then Cartograph checks for new updates on start. This option is only available for versions downloaded directly from the Cartograph website.
  • Sidebar buttons: Here you can select which buttons are shown on the top/bottom/right side bars. More details about sidebar button are described here: Sidebar buttons.
    Note: you can re-order the sidebar buttons by dragging the entries up/down.
    • Width: Defines the width (height) of the sidebar buttons.
  • Show all settings: If enabled then all settings (including Map manager settings, Track manager settings, etc.) are shown in the general settings dialog.
  • Register file extensions: This option registers file extensions in the Windows registry so that, for instance, double clicking on a *.map file opens the Cartograph app. This option is only available on Windows.

App styling

The app styling view provides means for adjusting the Cartograph user interface:

  • User interface scaling factor: This is the factor by which the whole user interface is scaled. A value less than “1” means that the user interface gets smaller, while a value greater than “1” means that it get bigger. Note: The app has to be restarted (sent to background and then killed on iOS) after changing this setting.
  • Theme: Selection between a dark (black) and light (white) app styling theme.
  • Popup toolbar size: This value sets the size of navigation-, track drawing-, and other toolbars which are shown on the map view’s bottom.
  • Dialog opacity: This value sets the opacity (transparency) of dialogs. This is for instance useful, if you want a semi-transparent Map manager.

Backup manager

The backup manager allows you to automatically create cloud backups of the Cartograph data. For details see also Cloud backup.

  • File size: The maximum size of a backup file. If the file gets bigger than this value then the file is split into multiple files.
  • Synchronize deleted item: If true then deleted items are also synchronized. Example: You delete a track. If this option is disabled then the track will not be deleted from the backup or other devices. If this option is enabled then the track will also be deleted from the backup and other devices. Generally it is recommended to disable this option to prevent potential data loss.
  • Show backup manager every: This value represents the backup interval. A value of “0” means that automatic backups are disabled.


The units view allows you to select the units used in the app, for instance:

  • Metric (meter, kilometer, km/h), imperial (miles, feet, mph).
  • Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin.
  • Coordinate format (degrees, decimal).
  • Coordinate projection (WGS 84, UTM, MGRS, etc.).

Route planning

The route planning view provides the following options:

  • Route planning point limit: The maximum number of points used for route planning. This value is used for determining routing points from existing tracks. Note: For most routing services (e.g. Google Directions or Bing Routes) the limit is much smaller (usually around 10-20 points). This means, if you want to use such a service then you have to set this value to 10 points or so.
  • Disable warnings: If enabled then no warnings are shown if the routing service detects a possible problem (for instance too many routing points, too much memory usage, etc.).
  • Simplification mode: The way how routing points are derived from existing tracks.
    • None: All track points from the track are used.
    • Small/Medium/Aggressive: Only a subset of track points from the original track is used.
  • Line color: The style of the routing line.
  • Waypoint: The style of the route planning waypoints.


The navigation view provides the following options:

  • Hide waypoints: If enabled then the waypoints used for route calculation are hidden during navigation.
  • Show routing instructions: If enabled then each routing instruction is visualized by an icon on the map.
  • Hide visited routing hints: If enabled then routing icons are hidden after they have been visited.
  • Start routing hint time: The time a routing hint is played before the actual routing point is reached. For instance, a value of “5 seconds” means that the routing instruction to “turn left on the next crossing” is played 5 seconds before reaching the crossing. The exact playback time is determined from the current moving speed.
  • Play alert leaving route: If enabled then an alert is played when leaving the route.
  • Routing info size: The size of the routing information panel shown during routing.
  • Enabled voice output: If enabled then TTS instructions are played during routing.
  • Language/Speaker: The language (English, German, etc.) and the speaker (female, male, etc.) used for the voice instructions.

Routing instructions

The routing instructions view allows you select between different types of routing instructions:

  • Default: Use the default routing texts.
  • Custom text: Use custom routing instruction texts.
  • Custom audio files: Use custom audio files as routing instructions. See Audio packages for details.


The storage view provides the following options:

  • Compress app database: Compresses the main app database. Eventually the app has to be restarted after compressing the database.
  • Delete cached files: Deletes all cached data, such as temporary image files or data files downloaded from the internet.
  • Delete temporary files: Deletes all temporary files created by Cartograph. Usually Cartograph automatically deletes its temporary files but in case of crashes or other unexpected behavior automatic deletion can fail.
  • Clear tile cache: This option deletes the tile cache. The tile cache stores copies of (online) raster maps for faster access.


The misc view provides the following options:

  • HTTP user agent: This option defines the default HTTP user agent used by the Cartograph app.

2 thoughts on “General settings

  • February 14, 2023 at 8:32 pm

    Buongiorno volevo provare a capire xké se io ricevo una traccia gpx o altro tipo su WhatsApp non riesco in nessun modo importarla in cartograph e quindi di vederla e usarla !
    Se potreste darmi una dritta Ve ne sarei grato


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